Saturday, December 3, 2011

Back to the Beginning..

As the first post, I should explain why I have embarked on this task.

Many moons ago, I used to do an immense amount of writing.  Life took over an I have forgotten the art of taking the time to express the things that cross through my mind.  In addition, my love hasn't let me forget after many many years, that he is still waiting on the ending to my TMNT story.  For those of you questioning TMNT  (Turtles is your clue).  For the 80's kids reading, shame on you if you didn't know it.  As he has pushed me to keep up this skill, I have failed miserably.  However, I am working on fixing this issue.  In addition to him keeping me on track, life had dealt me a few cards that carry a heavy toll on my ability to live my life the way I choose.  Due to this inconvenient fact, I have decided that it may do me a little bit of good to start writing again about the things that stand in my way of being me, or at least the me I want to be.

In order to protect the innocent as well as the guilty, I will not be using actual names.  The majority of this blog will be based on facts and actual events, but I will have to put a few "untruths" in here to protect a few folks.  Don't get me wrong, I am not a criminal or mob mastermind...nothing like that.  Well not today at least. :)

Please be patient with me as I fix years of learning to trash my English and destroy all of the teachings of language I had once learned.  My grammar stinks, sometimes my spelling is worse, but overall this shouldn't be painful for anyone (except my teachers)!

A bit on my background, and I will be brief.  I had an interesting childhood, and interesting career (or two), a great family life, so overall I am happy.  I am happy to know where I stand from how I grew up, the successes and failures I have experienced, and to where my future may be tomorrow.   Just in case you become confused, I love my life.  I wouldn't change where I have been, what I have done, or where I plan to go, for anything in the world.  I am who I am today, because of who I chose to be yesterday.

Now it's time to let my fingers to the talking!

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